Green Power Science TM is dedicated to the backyard scientist.
Our belief is that some of the smartest people in the world discover
the best things through trial and error IN THEIR OWN BACKYARDS
OR GARAGES. We welcome all levels of creativity and
hope you find the answers you are looking for.

Flash Seam Cannon Slow Motion

This parabolic trough with a steel pipe at the optimal focal length is charged by placing the trough angled to the sun for 3-5 minutes. The valve system on the rear of the cannon allows for regulated suspended volumes of water and air injection. The water mist flashes to steam adding additional thrust to larger projectiles and tighter wadding. The build for this will be available in a week or two.

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Flash Steam 8 Foot Trough + Fresnel

This is the trough mirror and a Fresnel Lens set. The water was sprayed in with a regular garden hose to produce flash steam. Steel ball bearings were used as ammo. A few modifications from this learning experience and we can now launch 200 yards.

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